Money Saving Hacks for Car Insurance

Car insurance is one of the most daunting expenses to have. If you don’t do it right, your expenses could snowball and you might be paying more than you need.   Want to be a smart, savvy customer who can save lots of money? Here’s your chance to be one! Here are some hacks you can do to save on car insurance.

  • Shop around

Car insurance market is ripe with competition. This task might overwhelm you, but sit down anyway and shop around for car insurance companies on your computer. Get a car insurance quote from 10 different insurance companies. You should be able to do this in no less than 4 hours. This should arm you with enough information when you buy.

  • Consider online car insurance

Getting car insurance online is certainly convenient. All you have to do is fill up a form and you get a quote in a couple of minutes. Progressive companies who have fast pay-outs will also have a good online quote tool and they stick to their car insurance quote. Besides, they don’t have the overhead of a traditional physical office, so their rates are more competitive.

  • Check brokerage websites

There are some insurance brokerage websites that help consolidate the price range for each car insurance company. However, don’t feel obligated to sign up. The issue with brokerage websites is that their prices are slightly higher because you are paying for their service.

  • Increase your deductible

Are you a safe driver? Are you able to avoid accidents? Then you can go for a higher deductible and lower your premium! People pay lower premiums because they want to make sure they have enough to pay when they get into an accident. It could save you about $1000, depending on your car insurance quote.

  • Improve your driving skills

Car insurance companies like good drivers and will offer lower car insurance quotes to them. Being a good driver or having proof that you improved by taking a driving course can merit you a big discount.

  • Consider getting rid of your collision coverage

This is a difficult thing to do. But if your car is worth just $2000, your claim won’t be as much. So consider eliminating your collision coverage and get a quote for a more appropriate policy.

  • Buy the right car

One of the tricks in getting cheaper car insurance is getting a car that is cheap and popular! Popular cars have car parts that are easier to find, therefore making your premium lower and more affordable.

  • Have a lower mileage

If you drive less, you also pay less! Lower mileage ensures your car is in good condition, and you won’t have to pay so much. Having a car with lower mileage is one of the easier ways to get a lower quote on your car insurance. These are some of the hacks you can do to save money. Are you ready to shop for a car? Go get that cheaper car insurance quote already!

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